Find a function

get_fun(fn, default = identity)



A function name, either a character string or an unquoted function name, with or without colons.


If fn is NULL, the default function is returned. Defaults to identity().


A function


#> function (x, vector = NULL, n = NULL, pl = NULL, irregulars = c("moderate", 
#>     "conservative", "liberal", "none"), replace_n = TRUE, open = "{", 
#>     close = "}", n_fn = lifecycle::deprecated(), ...) 
#> {
#>     if (length(x) == 0) {
#>         return(character(0))
#>     }
#>     mode(x) <- "character"
#>     derived_plurality <- derive_plurality(x, vector, n, pl)
#>     pl <- derived_plurality$pl
#>     n <- derived_plurality$n
#>     x <- recycle(x, n)
#>     validate_delimeters(open, close)
#>     open <- escape(open)
#>     close <- escape(close)
#>     mat <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
#>     boundaries <- paste0("((?=[^[:alnum:]'\\-", open, "])", "|", 
#>         "(?<=[^[:alnum:]'\\-", open, "]))", "(?![^", open, "]*", 
#>         close, ")")
#>     split_in <- plu_split(mat, boundaries, perl = TRUE)
#>     braced <- str_detect(split_in, regex(paste0(open, ".*", close), 
#>         multiline = TRUE, dotall = TRUE))
#>     assert_length_1(replace_n)
#>     assert_t_or_f(replace_n)
#>     if (replace_n) {
#>         replace_n <- str_detect(split_in, "\\bn\\b")
#>     }
#>     if (lifecycle::is_present(n_fn)) {
#>         lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.2.4", what = "plu_ral(n_fn)")
#>     }
#>     split_out <- split_in
#>     if (any(pl)) {
#>         pl <- rep(pl, each = nrow(split_out))
#>         split_out[pl & !braced & !replace_n] <- plu_ralize(split_in[pl & 
#>             !braced & !replace_n], irregulars = irregulars)
#>         removed <- which(split_out == "" & split_in != "")
#>         removed <- removed[removed%%nrow(split_out) != 0]
#>         if (any(removed)) {
#>             caps <- which(is_capitalized(split_in))
#>             caps <- caps[caps %in% removed]
#>             after_caps <- vapply(caps, function(i) {
#>                 idx <- which(str_detect(split_out[seq(i, (i%/%nrow(split_out) + 
#>                   1) * nrow(split_out))], "[[:alpha:]]"))
#>                 idx[1] + i - 1L
#>             }, integer(1))
#>             split_out[after_caps] <- capitalize(split_out[after_caps])
#>             after_removed <- removed + 1
#>             split_out[after_removed][split_out[after_removed] == 
#>                 " "] <- ""
#>         }
#>     }
#>     n <- rep(n, each = nrow(split_out))
#>     split_out[braced] <- pluralize_braces(split_out[braced], 
#>         n[braced], open, close)
#>     split_out[replace_n] <- str_replace_all(split_out[replace_n], 
#>         pattern = "\\bn\\b", replacement = n[replace_n])
#>     mat[] <- apply(split_out, 2, paste, collapse = "")
#>     x[] <- apply(mat, 2, paste, collapse = "")
#>     x
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x564ed6b23d40>
#> <environment: namespace:plu>
#> function (x, vector = NULL, n = NULL, pl = NULL, irregulars = c("moderate", 
#>     "conservative", "liberal", "none"), replace_n = TRUE, open = "{", 
#>     close = "}", n_fn = lifecycle::deprecated(), ...) 
#> {
#>     if (length(x) == 0) {
#>         return(character(0))
#>     }
#>     mode(x) <- "character"
#>     derived_plurality <- derive_plurality(x, vector, n, pl)
#>     pl <- derived_plurality$pl
#>     n <- derived_plurality$n
#>     x <- recycle(x, n)
#>     validate_delimeters(open, close)
#>     open <- escape(open)
#>     close <- escape(close)
#>     mat <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
#>     boundaries <- paste0("((?=[^[:alnum:]'\\-", open, "])", "|", 
#>         "(?<=[^[:alnum:]'\\-", open, "]))", "(?![^", open, "]*", 
#>         close, ")")
#>     split_in <- plu_split(mat, boundaries, perl = TRUE)
#>     braced <- str_detect(split_in, regex(paste0(open, ".*", close), 
#>         multiline = TRUE, dotall = TRUE))
#>     assert_length_1(replace_n)
#>     assert_t_or_f(replace_n)
#>     if (replace_n) {
#>         replace_n <- str_detect(split_in, "\\bn\\b")
#>     }
#>     if (lifecycle::is_present(n_fn)) {
#>         lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.2.4", what = "plu_ral(n_fn)")
#>     }
#>     split_out <- split_in
#>     if (any(pl)) {
#>         pl <- rep(pl, each = nrow(split_out))
#>         split_out[pl & !braced & !replace_n] <- plu_ralize(split_in[pl & 
#>             !braced & !replace_n], irregulars = irregulars)
#>         removed <- which(split_out == "" & split_in != "")
#>         removed <- removed[removed%%nrow(split_out) != 0]
#>         if (any(removed)) {
#>             caps <- which(is_capitalized(split_in))
#>             caps <- caps[caps %in% removed]
#>             after_caps <- vapply(caps, function(i) {
#>                 idx <- which(str_detect(split_out[seq(i, (i%/%nrow(split_out) + 
#>                   1) * nrow(split_out))], "[[:alpha:]]"))
#>                 idx[1] + i - 1L
#>             }, integer(1))
#>             split_out[after_caps] <- capitalize(split_out[after_caps])
#>             after_removed <- removed + 1
#>             split_out[after_removed][split_out[after_removed] == 
#>                 " "] <- ""
#>         }
#>     }
#>     n <- rep(n, each = nrow(split_out))
#>     split_out[braced] <- pluralize_braces(split_out[braced], 
#>         n[braced], open, close)
#>     split_out[replace_n] <- str_replace_all(split_out[replace_n], 
#>         pattern = "\\bn\\b", replacement = n[replace_n])
#>     mat[] <- apply(split_out, 2, paste, collapse = "")
#>     x[] <- apply(mat, 2, paste, collapse = "")
#>     x
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x564ed6b7f6c0>
#> <environment: namespace:plu>
#> function (x, vector = NULL, n = NULL, pl = NULL, irregulars = c("moderate", 
#>     "conservative", "liberal", "none"), replace_n = TRUE, open = "{", 
#>     close = "}", n_fn = lifecycle::deprecated(), ...) 
#> {
#>     if (length(x) == 0) {
#>         return(character(0))
#>     }
#>     mode(x) <- "character"
#>     derived_plurality <- derive_plurality(x, vector, n, pl)
#>     pl <- derived_plurality$pl
#>     n <- derived_plurality$n
#>     x <- recycle(x, n)
#>     validate_delimeters(open, close)
#>     open <- escape(open)
#>     close <- escape(close)
#>     mat <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
#>     boundaries <- paste0("((?=[^[:alnum:]'\\-", open, "])", "|", 
#>         "(?<=[^[:alnum:]'\\-", open, "]))", "(?![^", open, "]*", 
#>         close, ")")
#>     split_in <- plu_split(mat, boundaries, perl = TRUE)
#>     braced <- str_detect(split_in, regex(paste0(open, ".*", close), 
#>         multiline = TRUE, dotall = TRUE))
#>     assert_length_1(replace_n)
#>     assert_t_or_f(replace_n)
#>     if (replace_n) {
#>         replace_n <- str_detect(split_in, "\\bn\\b")
#>     }
#>     if (lifecycle::is_present(n_fn)) {
#>         lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.2.4", what = "plu_ral(n_fn)")
#>     }
#>     split_out <- split_in
#>     if (any(pl)) {
#>         pl <- rep(pl, each = nrow(split_out))
#>         split_out[pl & !braced & !replace_n] <- plu_ralize(split_in[pl & 
#>             !braced & !replace_n], irregulars = irregulars)
#>         removed <- which(split_out == "" & split_in != "")
#>         removed <- removed[removed%%nrow(split_out) != 0]
#>         if (any(removed)) {
#>             caps <- which(is_capitalized(split_in))
#>             caps <- caps[caps %in% removed]
#>             after_caps <- vapply(caps, function(i) {
#>                 idx <- which(str_detect(split_out[seq(i, (i%/%nrow(split_out) + 
#>                   1) * nrow(split_out))], "[[:alpha:]]"))
#>                 idx[1] + i - 1L
#>             }, integer(1))
#>             split_out[after_caps] <- capitalize(split_out[after_caps])
#>             after_removed <- removed + 1
#>             split_out[after_removed][split_out[after_removed] == 
#>                 " "] <- ""
#>         }
#>     }
#>     n <- rep(n, each = nrow(split_out))
#>     split_out[braced] <- pluralize_braces(split_out[braced], 
#>         n[braced], open, close)
#>     split_out[replace_n] <- str_replace_all(split_out[replace_n], 
#>         pattern = "\\bn\\b", replacement = n[replace_n])
#>     mat[] <- apply(split_out, 2, paste, collapse = "")
#>     x[] <- apply(mat, 2, paste, collapse = "")
#>     x
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x564ed6b23d40>
#> <environment: namespace:plu>
#> function (x, vector = NULL, n = NULL, pl = NULL, irregulars = c("moderate", 
#>     "conservative", "liberal", "none"), replace_n = TRUE, open = "{", 
#>     close = "}", n_fn = lifecycle::deprecated(), ...) 
#> {
#>     if (length(x) == 0) {
#>         return(character(0))
#>     }
#>     mode(x) <- "character"
#>     derived_plurality <- derive_plurality(x, vector, n, pl)
#>     pl <- derived_plurality$pl
#>     n <- derived_plurality$n
#>     x <- recycle(x, n)
#>     validate_delimeters(open, close)
#>     open <- escape(open)
#>     close <- escape(close)
#>     mat <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
#>     boundaries <- paste0("((?=[^[:alnum:]'\\-", open, "])", "|", 
#>         "(?<=[^[:alnum:]'\\-", open, "]))", "(?![^", open, "]*", 
#>         close, ")")
#>     split_in <- plu_split(mat, boundaries, perl = TRUE)
#>     braced <- str_detect(split_in, regex(paste0(open, ".*", close), 
#>         multiline = TRUE, dotall = TRUE))
#>     assert_length_1(replace_n)
#>     assert_t_or_f(replace_n)
#>     if (replace_n) {
#>         replace_n <- str_detect(split_in, "\\bn\\b")
#>     }
#>     if (lifecycle::is_present(n_fn)) {
#>         lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.2.4", what = "plu_ral(n_fn)")
#>     }
#>     split_out <- split_in
#>     if (any(pl)) {
#>         pl <- rep(pl, each = nrow(split_out))
#>         split_out[pl & !braced & !replace_n] <- plu_ralize(split_in[pl & 
#>             !braced & !replace_n], irregulars = irregulars)
#>         removed <- which(split_out == "" & split_in != "")
#>         removed <- removed[removed%%nrow(split_out) != 0]
#>         if (any(removed)) {
#>             caps <- which(is_capitalized(split_in))
#>             caps <- caps[caps %in% removed]
#>             after_caps <- vapply(caps, function(i) {
#>                 idx <- which(str_detect(split_out[seq(i, (i%/%nrow(split_out) + 
#>                   1) * nrow(split_out))], "[[:alpha:]]"))
#>                 idx[1] + i - 1L
#>             }, integer(1))
#>             split_out[after_caps] <- capitalize(split_out[after_caps])
#>             after_removed <- removed + 1
#>             split_out[after_removed][split_out[after_removed] == 
#>                 " "] <- ""
#>         }
#>     }
#>     n <- rep(n, each = nrow(split_out))
#>     split_out[braced] <- pluralize_braces(split_out[braced], 
#>         n[braced], open, close)
#>     split_out[replace_n] <- str_replace_all(split_out[replace_n], 
#>         pattern = "\\bn\\b", replacement = n[replace_n])
#>     mat[] <- apply(split_out, 2, paste, collapse = "")
#>     x[] <- apply(mat, 2, paste, collapse = "")
#>     x
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x564ed6b7f6c0>
#> <environment: namespace:plu>

#> function (x) 
#> x
#> <bytecode: 0x564ed3b6b470>
#> <environment: namespace:base>
get_fun(NULL, default = plu_ral)
#> function (x, vector = NULL, n = NULL, pl = NULL, irregulars = c("moderate", 
#>     "conservative", "liberal", "none"), replace_n = TRUE, open = "{", 
#>     close = "}", n_fn = lifecycle::deprecated(), ...) 
#> {
#>     if (length(x) == 0) {
#>         return(character(0))
#>     }
#>     mode(x) <- "character"
#>     derived_plurality <- derive_plurality(x, vector, n, pl)
#>     pl <- derived_plurality$pl
#>     n <- derived_plurality$n
#>     x <- recycle(x, n)
#>     validate_delimeters(open, close)
#>     open <- escape(open)
#>     close <- escape(close)
#>     mat <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
#>     boundaries <- paste0("((?=[^[:alnum:]'\\-", open, "])", "|", 
#>         "(?<=[^[:alnum:]'\\-", open, "]))", "(?![^", open, "]*", 
#>         close, ")")
#>     split_in <- plu_split(mat, boundaries, perl = TRUE)
#>     braced <- str_detect(split_in, regex(paste0(open, ".*", close), 
#>         multiline = TRUE, dotall = TRUE))
#>     assert_length_1(replace_n)
#>     assert_t_or_f(replace_n)
#>     if (replace_n) {
#>         replace_n <- str_detect(split_in, "\\bn\\b")
#>     }
#>     if (lifecycle::is_present(n_fn)) {
#>         lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.2.4", what = "plu_ral(n_fn)")
#>     }
#>     split_out <- split_in
#>     if (any(pl)) {
#>         pl <- rep(pl, each = nrow(split_out))
#>         split_out[pl & !braced & !replace_n] <- plu_ralize(split_in[pl & 
#>             !braced & !replace_n], irregulars = irregulars)
#>         removed <- which(split_out == "" & split_in != "")
#>         removed <- removed[removed%%nrow(split_out) != 0]
#>         if (any(removed)) {
#>             caps <- which(is_capitalized(split_in))
#>             caps <- caps[caps %in% removed]
#>             after_caps <- vapply(caps, function(i) {
#>                 idx <- which(str_detect(split_out[seq(i, (i%/%nrow(split_out) + 
#>                   1) * nrow(split_out))], "[[:alpha:]]"))
#>                 idx[1] + i - 1L
#>             }, integer(1))
#>             split_out[after_caps] <- capitalize(split_out[after_caps])
#>             after_removed <- removed + 1
#>             split_out[after_removed][split_out[after_removed] == 
#>                 " "] <- ""
#>         }
#>     }
#>     n <- rep(n, each = nrow(split_out))
#>     split_out[braced] <- pluralize_braces(split_out[braced], 
#>         n[braced], open, close)
#>     split_out[replace_n] <- str_replace_all(split_out[replace_n], 
#>         pattern = "\\bn\\b", replacement = n[replace_n])
#>     mat[] <- apply(split_out, 2, paste, collapse = "")
#>     x[] <- apply(mat, 2, paste, collapse = "")
#>     x
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x564ed6b23d40>
#> <environment: namespace:plu>